implemented by the Permanent Interstate Committee for drought
control in the Sahel (CILSS) and the Sahelian states, with technical
support of the Marge/ECO consortium.
In the target area, household energy represents more than 80%
of the total energy consumed. It is essentially provided by
woody fuel from forest resources, which are already downgraded
by several decades of climatic hazards and by increasing population
PREDAS created a conducive framework for an organized and sustainable
management of domestic energy resources by ensuring the poorest's
supply of wood energy, at minimum cost and in a sustainable
The Programme's main activities were:
a. help the CILSS member States to conceive, adopt and implement
their “domestic energy strategies” (SED)
b. form a network of Sahelian professionals in household energies
(PESED), and initiate a System of Information Technology on
Energy (SITE)
c. help the CILSS member States conceive and promote the conditions
of monitoring the woody resources available in the wood / energy
supply basins for the major towns in the Sahel. |
Household energy
is provided by wood fuel from forest resources. |
• Establishment of domestic energy strategies (Cape Verde,
Gambia, Mauritania, Niger, Chad, Guinea Bissau, Senegal)
• Establishment of an interdisciplinary platform for networking
and information exchange with a focus on sustainable forest