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CILSS member States:
Regional programme to support household and alternative energy in the Sahel region (PREDAS)

PREDAS is implemented by the Permanent Interstate Committee for drought control in the Sahel (CILSS) and the Sahelian states, with technical support of the Marge/ECO consortium.

In the target area, household energy represents more than 80% of the total energy consumed. It is essentially provided by woody fuel from forest resources, which are already downgraded by several decades of climatic hazards and by increasing population pressure.

PREDAS created a conducive framework for an organized and sustainable management of domestic energy resources by ensuring the poorest's supply of wood energy, at minimum cost and in a sustainable manner.

The Programme's main activities were:
a. help the CILSS member States to conceive, adopt and implement their “domestic energy strategies” (SED)
b. form a network of Sahelian professionals in household energies (PESED), and initiate a System of Information Technology on Energy (SITE)
c. help the CILSS member States conceive and promote the conditions of monitoring the woody resources available in the wood / energy supply basins for the major towns in the Sahel.
Household energy is provided by wood fuel from forest resources.
• Establishment of domestic energy strategies (Cape Verde, Gambia, Mauritania, Niger, Chad, Guinea Bissau, Senegal)
• Establishment of an interdisciplinary platform for networking and information exchange with a focus on sustainable forest management

Time span Commissioning body    
2004-2007 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
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