The project strengthens
RIFFEAC (a network of forest and environmental high schools
and technical schools of Central Africa) through training
and staff development activities, to enable them to formulate
a regional education and training policy and design and implement
further education workshops orientated on market needs.
As part of an ongoing partnership agreement between the GIZ
and RIFFEAC, ECO Consult is familiar with the programme since
2008. Consulting, development and implementation of forest-specific
workshops and technical support are the role of ECO to bring
forward the partner schools of the RIFFEAC network.
Financed by the BMZ of Germany, the main objectives of this
network-support are:
• to rise RIFFEAC as communication platform and exchange
of information in the forest sector of Central Africa,
• to actualize curricula and to adapt them to market
• to elaborate a common forest education policy and
• to develop further education programs in RIFFEAC schools.
To reach these objectives, ECO plans, organizes and realizes
different kind of technical and political workshops together
with the RIFFEAC partner institutions.
In 2009 several technical workshops were realized for the
RIFFEAC member schools about participatory methods in education
systems (Germany), climate change and REDD (Cameroun) and
forest certification (Gabon). In 2010 the institutional and
technical capacity of RIFFEAC was strengthened. This enables
the organization to formulate a regional advanced education
policy and to design and implement a needs-based education
and further training offer. A regional policy dialogue, including
eight national and one regional workshop, aimed at the participatory
development of a common policy for secondary and tertiary
education in the forest and environmental sector of the Congo
Basin countries. The workshops fortified the image of RIFFEAC
as communication platform for COMIFAC's education efforts.
• In 2011 the focus of action was put on the adaptation
of curricula of RIFFEAC member schools. On behalf of a
homogenous methodology, curricula were first presented
in a general introductive workshop in Gabon, followed
by a special support of 5 selected pilot schools by a
team of our national and international experts. The diverse
workshops allowed participants of RIFFEAC members to take
an active and constructive role. Through the workshops,
RIFFEAC partners have become familiar with the methods
of improving the curricula and the competence approach.
• The importance of integrating socio-professional
key persons was highlighted and included in all activities
of 2011.
Furthermore, a workshop for fundraising, marketing of
further education courses and workshop organization were
designed, implemented and documented in Burundi.
• In addition to this, a first draft catalogue of
training courses for the following activities RIFFEAC
was performed, as well as a detailed study of the qualitative
and quantitative requirements of 29 strategic job-types
of the forest- and environmental sector in Central Africa
was elaborated. This study shall serve as the basis of
the adaptation of curricula aligned to market needs.
To date, an advanced training for curriculum design and
development of strategic school development plans was
fixed in the annual planning workshop, for further activities
of the GIZ-RIFFEAC partnership. Technical monitoring of
schools in curriculum adaptation and preparation of school
development plans was realized in 2012, as well as a basic
training design and delivery of further education programs
and technical assistance.