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Advisory support to the management of Diawling National Park

Building on long-established working relations and regional experience from past interventions, ECO since 2012 has promoted enhanced management of the Diawling National Park. The project forms part of a sophisticated programme structure, harnessing the comparative advantages of technical (GIZ) and, financial (KfW) cooperation in pursuit of a more climate-sensitive as well as adaptive resource management.

Being the third out of a total of three components of the programme’s technical cooperation module, the project “Advisory support to the management of Diawling National Park” in essence aims to pioneer and demonstrate integrative, non-confrontational and socially equitable means of conserving and developing marine and coastal protected areas of supra-regional significance. As such, Diawling NP forms part of a wider network of high-level protected areas dedicated to the conservation of the unique biological diversity of Mauritania’s coastal zones.

Reflecting its comprehensive and multi-layered intervention logic, the project applies a combination of capacity development and knowledge transfer, institutional strengthening, and community-based sustainable resource management. Protection by means of sustainable use lies at its core, where rural communities utilize wetland resources in line with management plans and rules that have been developed in a participatory fashion. In parallel, the national park

Improved resource management helps sustain the ecological balance in one of the world's most important bird refuges.

administration is capacitated for diversified service provision, effective protection and enforcement of management rules, and administration of a trust-fund ensuring the continued existence and operation of state-of-the-art protected area management frameworks.

As such, the project generates a wide range of lessons learnt and best practices which, using the technical cooperation module’s first component (“Environmental and climate policy advisory support”) as a transmission-belt, are being fed into the wider climate- and environmental policy dialogue on the national level.


Time span Commissioning body    
2012-ongoing Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
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