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Education and Training of Decentralisation Actors


In the framwork of the country's decentralisation policy the project supports local public representatives and line agencies staff through capacity building and training, to increase their political participation and improve public services at community level.

The overall objective is to establish institutional, organisational and conceptual preconditions for education and training in the field of decentralisation. The implies, e.g., a harmonised and standardised national education strategy.

To enhance the performance and expertise of decentralisation actors the project focuses on three areas of intervention:

1.Decentralised educational measures and raising awareness of men and women on local councils
2.Decentralised training of officials currently employed by municipalities, and:
3.Centralised training for future municipal officials.

In 2011 a national strategy for training decentralisation stakeholders was drawn up.



Results so far:

- Plan of operation for implementing the national training strategy (2012–2016).

- Assessment of working conditions and training needs for all professions and roles carried out in communities by officials and elected representatives.

- Development of 66 standardised training modules is underway, according to 13 job descriptions and related responsibility profiles.

- The extent to which municipalities perform their tasks to the satisfaction of the population can be benchmarked for the first time by means of a comprehensive baseline study.

    For further information (in French) please refer to
Time span Commissioning body    
2011-ongoing Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
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