natural resources management

Wise use of natural resources is important for the full range of development priorities encompassed by all eight MDGs, let alone MDG 7. Policies on mitigating and adapting to Climate Change center on natural resources management – be it in terms of biofuel production, watershed protection or compensation for avoided deforestation.

Forestry, watershed management, silvi-pastoral systems or nature conservation practically always touch on issues of legal security, land use policies and the development of national economies. As such they provide a valuable entry point for governance initiatives.

Relations between utilization of natural resources and local livelihoods are complex and locally specific. Stakeholder approaches are vital to ensure that social, economic and environmental objectives are balanced and that the social groups most dependent on bioresources benefit from their management or are compensated where they encounter negative effects (e.g. demarcation of protected areas, resettlements). Enhancing economic sustainability by adding value to forests and forest products is one of the key areas of expertise in ECO's work.

Consulting services are offered in the following fields:

Sustainable forest management
Forest economics and silviculture
• Agroforestry
• Land-use planning
• Rangeland management
Wildlife management
• Watershed management
• Processing and marketing of timber and non-timber forest products
• Development of marketing strategies
• Wood processing
• Furniture production
• Bee-keeping and fisheries

Well-managed plantations generate stable revenues while lifting the pressure from natural forests.
Charcoal transport. Markets for natural resources are the basis for a share of small enterprises.


Your contact:
Dr. Steve Sepp:

Sustainable forest management Forest economics Biodiversity conservation  
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