

ReFOP digging deep – 500-pages compilation of 25 years of project work NOW OUT


In the course of their knowledge management activities, which has, among other instruments, brought about the online ASEAN Secretariat's Forest CHM (http://forest-chm.aseansec.org), the German-ASEAN Regional Forest programme (ReFOP) have published the findings from 25 years of project work in the forestry sector.

The sourcebook, published under editing and digital pre-press assistance by ECO, offers a synthesis of the experience from around 20 projects supported by GTZ. It contains primary sources such as recommendations, guidelines, field manuals and pre-defined table formats for information retrieval, valid througout Southeast Asia (with a bias on the partner countries involved).

The selection of 12 papers in full print covers recurring aspects of silviculture, social forestry and forest biodiversity. Three annotated bibliographies – the so-called "tool boxes" – each list in table format
- project names and addresses in the area of expertise as well as
- 30 to 70 commented sources each from projects, with links for direct access.

Many of the major contributors to the digging work that was necessary to compile the bibliographies, notably Günther Haase and Anke Camphausen, are among the authors of the sourcebook's main texts.
Driving forces behind the "Best Practices for Sustainable Forest Management in Southeast Asia" compemdium were Bernhard von der Heyde and Rolf Krezdorn.

"Best Practices for Sustainable Forest Management in Southeast Asia" is available at the ASEAN Secretariat, asean-forest@aseansec.org.

View list of
main texts
in the "Best Practices"

Download the full publication
(PDF 4,6 MB)
Quote from the preface: "These handbooks and documents have now been made readily accessible for project managers, partner organizations and other beneficiaries in Southeast Asia, under the auspices of the Sector Network Rural Development (SNRD) Asia [...]. The user finds concepts and instruments of German forest sector cooperation classified along subject and country, together with annotated bibliographies (‘toolboxes’) in which all key reports and manuals from projects are listed. [...] Our intention is to provide a practical user’s guide for broad application throughout ASEAN member countries, as a contribution to developing SFM and SFM-related IKM capacities."
The book is kind of a key to the ASEAN Secretariat's: “Forest Clearing House Mechanism” (CHM – http://forest-chm.aseansec.org), initiated and 'powered' by ReFOP. Here, the majority of documents is already available for download. All full texts not yet available through the CHM website can be ordered from asean-forest@aseansec.org.


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